
Detailné informácie o projekte EWA sú na stránke https://www.projektewa.sk/  a sú tam aj informácie ako nainštalovať aplikáciu na mobil. Projekt EWA získal cenu Produkt roka 2023 a údaje boli použité vo viacerých vedeckých publikáciách.

Celý backend projektu, rôzne výpočty, umelá inteligencia, rôzne scripty boli urobené v jazyku Go. Interné mobilné aplikácie pre vedcov, webová aplikácia pre vedcov a aplikácia pre verejnosť boli urobené vo Flutteri.

V rámci projektu bola urobená aj open sourca knižnia pre Random Forest v jazyku Go.


Detailed information about the EWA project can be found at https://www.projektewa.sk/ and there is also information on how to install the mobile app. The EWA project has won the Product of the Year 2023 award and the data has been used in several scientific publications.

The whole backend of the project, various calculations, artificial intelligence, various scripts were done in Go. The internal mobile app for scientists, the web app for scientists and the app for the public were made in Flutter.

As part of the project, an open sourced library for Random Forest in the Go language was also made.